Thursday, May 20, 2010

Today is a very tiring day.

Hello Internet.

Today I feel like this. (yep even the giant people staring at me interested/judging)

So I want to remember some things:

I love these humans. They are messy and yelly and they throw Transformers at me and immediately follow it up with hugs. They are the best.

This place was amazing. Heart wrenchingly beautiful and amazing. I miss it.

This was a good day.

This is a good human. She makes me feel better about this world and the people in it.

Autumn is really awesome.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

No order, no reason. V.v.V

SOOOO I haven't updated this for a long while. One reason being I haven't really found anything spectacularly appealing to photograph recently. Which seems kind of dumb cos it's Autumn here and even looking at trees right now is interesting but I've been mostly looking at them with blank stares of wonder rather than through a lens. Also, I want a new camera.

To keep up with things though here are some shots of random things I've been doing/seeing/talking to recently.

I went to the football recently, having been (lovingly) dragged by my housemates to play impartial bystander as their respective teams battled it out. There was a rainbow! :D (I don't care much for live sporting events)

I maintained that I was going to cheer for the umpires because they were "the underdogs". But I kind of ended up just cheering for everything. This did not seem to go down very well with the rabid Collingwood supporters we were sitting with. "GOOD WORK GUY!"

Tiny dog. Tiny scruffy dog. :D

Monkey! I remember my friends getting very excited about this monkey and explaining in very rushed and excitable tones how awesome and important he is. I can't really remember any of the details though. But look how cute my friend is! I<3 her face.

For some reason I really really like this photo. I just like how the dudes are all like: *chillin'* when really they are stupendously drunk.

This dude made them drunk. He's a bad dude.

I went to see the Ron Mueck exhibition when it was in town. It was pretty amazing but this piece in particular was kind of compelling. It was this giant woman in bed, seemingly ill. I love the expression on the viewers face and the contrast between their sizes.