I haven't posted for a whole month! Woo! Check me out! Exactly one month since my last post, I'm the best! :D
The truth is I've been having a pretty disasterous time with the film cameras and I ended up thinking I had shot a whole roll of film in lovely Newcastle a few weeks back when the truth was that I hadn't wound the film on properly. Argh! And then I proceeded to roll the entire roll back into the cannister. sigh/lolz.
SO here are some photos from the phone to tide people (mainly myself and my own sense of guilty abandonment in relation to this blog) over.
Photo times:

On Saturday morning a friend dragged me out of bed at a ridiculous hour to go and get breakfast and then traipse around the city in the pouring rain and icy winds to buy bike shorts. I was very belligerent and resentful (much to his amusement) until we found this CAVE OF WARMTH down by the Yarra. There I happily took my shoes off, drank tea and took a photo of a seagull. ^_^

I also creepily took a photo of this dude reading his book and drinking his tea. Mainly because I'd be wondering earlier as we dashed around the rainy streets how many tourist photos I would have been in incidentally, not even noticing that the person was photographing the scene and I wanted to try this out. So the answer for this particular guy in that case is: at least 1. Thanks, guy!

Possibly took this photo excited that it was a 42 and therefore the answer to life the universe and everything but it's not. So.... yeah. Yep.
Old school signs of happy radio times that we found at work and then risked electrocution to try and see if they worked. I enjoy how 'handmade' a lot of things are at my work. I enjoy, and am afraid of at the same time.
NEXT TIME: look I don't know to be honest. If Melbourne doesn't stop being winter, I'm gonna throw a very enthusiastic tantrum and move to some sort of place that actually appreciates the structure of the seasons. This is unrelated to my photography but I'm just really annoyed about it.
Thank you for your time.