I DISCOVERED HOW TO MAKE THE PRAKTICA WORK. I read the manual ! YEAH! Turns out this was a wise idea. See above photo of me finally learning how to not overexposure every shot. :D

Then I went to the country and took photos of wattle and trees and things. Woot?

This is my much younger cousin with his much better and much more expensive camera. Jerk.

Wattle! Shadows! Praktica!

Remember what I said about learning not to overexpose photos.... "It's a process" - Kanye West one time

This is my Grandma's kitchen table. It has had lollies and biscuits on it ever since they were invented. Not the same ones obvs. My Grandma takes being a Grandma v.seriously. Because she has a large amount of grandkids and she understands the value of the sugar flavoured bribe.

Grandma. Taking being a Grandma v.seriously.

She collects ceramic animals. In pairs. Like Noah. She'll build a whole new ceramic world! It will be mostly filled with cats.

Truck. Overexposed photo. Weeds that put spiky shit in your socks.

One more for luck!