Monday, February 3, 2014

Community Cup 2013 (also yeah it's been two years... what of it?)

Blurry, sunny, childrens on the field!

Somewhat less blurry man not on field.

Yeah, some of these are just atmospheric I guess...

I do love how the umpires were the most well dressed people at this whole event. 

Photo of the photographer.  Yeah I went there. So meta. META.

Along with a bunch of other amazing ladies, I was part of the revival/possible invention of the megahertz cheerleaders. I'm very glad to see the torch has been passed to such worthy candidates.

The Rockdogs cheerleaders have existed forever.  They have proper uniforms and stuff.  It's pretty serious business.

Tiny dog! Tiny lady!

Original megahertz cheerleader on your right.  Someone in red and white lycra and a bogan wig on your left.  Amazing times.

The sweetest/weirdest greyhound you'll ever meet and his adoring owner.

I don't even know why I'm putting this photo up.  I guess because it's one of the rare ones that is in focus.  Don't drink and photograph

Monday, October 3, 2011

More Farm times, different camera.

Notice how I capitalised 'Farm' in the title of this post? Is this an accident? Or do I think The Farm is so awesome it deserves capitalisation all of the time? Only time and my ever decreasing sense of proper English grammar will tell. LOOK, A FARMHOUSE! :D

"Maybe you could play this on ur radio show!"
".... no, Dad"
"That's cool, I found some cassettes that look good though"
" :-/ "

Abandoned Christmas tinsel. Is there anything prettier/uglier than the glittery remnants of awkward family Christmases?
Yes! This handsome coat!

So this bike belonged to my crazy Great-Uncle Rupert who apparently everyone thought was a homeless old vagrant. He used to cycle kilometres every day into town, the only other vehicle he had was an enormous tractor, which he would also occasionally drive into town. He wrote poetry, criticised modern literature, fixed things, made moonshine out of pumpkins and one time he assaulted a police officer and when being tried in court for this act he was more interested in entertaining everyone in the court by accusing the police officer of having a moustache 'that looks like a bum!'. He sounds like the kind of guy who liked to lol. He's pretty much my favourite relative ever. He died under a tree, while having a sleep. What a guy. I miss u, Rupert. I think we would have been friends.

Car. There are heaps of abandoned cars in the country. There are heaps of abandoned everythings. Sometimes it's like going through the ruins of a society long past. Except that society is only from about 30 years ago. Life moves pretty fast.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Holy shit, I got the Praktica to work. (+countryside times)

I DISCOVERED HOW TO MAKE THE PRAKTICA WORK. I read the manual ! YEAH! Turns out this was a wise idea. See above photo of me finally learning how to not overexposure every shot. :D

Then I went to the country and took photos of wattle and trees and things. Woot?

This is my much younger cousin with his much better and much more expensive camera. Jerk.

Wattle! Shadows! Praktica!

Remember what I said about learning not to overexpose photos.... "It's a process" - Kanye West one time
This is my Grandma's kitchen table. It has had lollies and biscuits on it ever since they were invented. Not the same ones obvs. My Grandma takes being a Grandma v.seriously. Because she has a large amount of grandkids and she understands the value of the sugar flavoured bribe.

Grandma. Taking being a Grandma v.seriously.

She collects ceramic animals. In pairs. Like Noah. She'll build a whole new ceramic world! It will be mostly filled with cats.

Truck. Overexposed photo. Weeds that put spiky shit in your socks.

One more for luck!

Monday, July 4, 2011

Experimenting with light.

When I get a new camera sometimes (usually always) I am so overexcited by it that I just stick a roll of film in it and don't really bother to learn how to use it properly. :D This produces photos such as the above which is terribly over exposed. That said, I really like the washed out feel that these photos have. I feel like this new Nikkomat is going to be a very good camera indeed. And that I will spend this week learning how to use it properly.

Enjoy the pastels of what was actually an extremely bright and cold day in the country!

Enjoy the fuzzy background! And the faces of people with whom I am acquainted!

Enjoy this frenzied moment before this young child rips the camera from me and then takes a load of lovely blurry pictures of his parents and is dismayed when he cannot view them straight away. :/

Monday, January 24, 2011

Election times! (finding it hard not to make bad puns)

Camera times are all broken at the moment. 3 vintage cameras. 3 broken cameras. You get what you pay for. Move with the times. Get a digital. etc and so on. NO.

I got this roll of film developed that was shot with a very broken and very unreliable Pentax on the date of the Victorian State Election. I was holding the camera and the state together with pieces of electrical tape. :-D I really enjoy electrical tape, I use it to wrap my presents. It's sturdy. I may be straying from the topic. HERES A PHOTO!

We had to vote at RMIT which was SUCH BULLSHIT because we wanted to vote at the Town Hall which was closed for some play or something. You should be allowed to vote at the Town Hall for the Election. It's my right as a human. Bet it was a rubbish play anyways. BITTERNESS. Although RMIT is pretty good I guess.

This reminds me of that bit in the original Buffy movie where Buffy says to Luke Perry "Pike's not a name, it's a fish". It's a good bit.

Suspect it was either freezing or very warm that day. One of these guys has got it right.

Distressing moments at Town Hall when we realise we can't vote there. :(

Pink and Purple are the best of friends. They are going to go vote together and have a good time enjoying each others company and the wonder of democracy.

The End.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Humans I know.

Hey y'all! What's up? I broke my finger. It was not a good time, I didn't have a good time when it happened but we won basketball so that makes it all ok I guess? Poor finger. I also took some photos and stuff. WITH A BROKEN FINGER. That's impressive. Be impressed.

These are photos of some people that I know and even a couple of people that I am related to. They all happen to be boys for some reason... I have no explanation for this? I know a lot of boys? um...?

Here's a guy! He's a guy I know!

Here is another guy! I know this guy too! He looks like my Dad but he isn't. I know this because this guy has a Scottish accent. My Dad does not, this is an important distinction.

I know this guy too! I've known him since he was born. He's a cool guy. He's been a cool guy since he was born.

This guy is my bro. In pretty much all senses of the word. He's a cool guy.

This guy is one of the most influential humans in my life. He's a pretty cool guy too. :)

Till next time! Photos are going badly at the moment... I do not know why. I hope to change this very soon and to make them go very well. This would be a good time. PEACE LATER

Monday, October 18, 2010

oh... hey...

I haven't posted for a whole month! Woo! Check me out! Exactly one month since my last post, I'm the best! :D

The truth is I've been having a pretty disasterous time with the film cameras and I ended up thinking I had shot a whole roll of film in lovely Newcastle a few weeks back when the truth was that I hadn't wound the film on properly. Argh! And then I proceeded to roll the entire roll back into the cannister. sigh/lolz.

SO here are some photos from the phone to tide people (mainly myself and my own sense of guilty abandonment in relation to this blog) over.

Photo times:

On Saturday morning a friend dragged me out of bed at a ridiculous hour to go and get breakfast and then traipse around the city in the pouring rain and icy winds to buy bike shorts. I was very belligerent and resentful (much to his amusement) until we found this CAVE OF WARMTH down by the Yarra. There I happily took my shoes off, drank tea and took a photo of a seagull. ^_^

I also creepily took a photo of this dude reading his book and drinking his tea. Mainly because I'd be wondering earlier as we dashed around the rainy streets how many tourist photos I would have been in incidentally, not even noticing that the person was photographing the scene and I wanted to try this out. So the answer for this particular guy in that case is: at least 1. Thanks, guy!
Possibly took this photo excited that it was a 42 and therefore the answer to life the universe and everything but it's not. So.... yeah. Yep.

Old school signs of happy radio times that we found at work and then risked electrocution to try and see if they worked. I enjoy how 'handmade' a lot of things are at my work. I enjoy, and am afraid of at the same time.
NEXT TIME: look I don't know to be honest. If Melbourne doesn't stop being winter, I'm gonna throw a very enthusiastic tantrum and move to some sort of place that actually appreciates the structure of the seasons. This is unrelated to my photography but I'm just really annoyed about it.
Thank you for your time.