Monday, January 24, 2011

Election times! (finding it hard not to make bad puns)

Camera times are all broken at the moment. 3 vintage cameras. 3 broken cameras. You get what you pay for. Move with the times. Get a digital. etc and so on. NO.

I got this roll of film developed that was shot with a very broken and very unreliable Pentax on the date of the Victorian State Election. I was holding the camera and the state together with pieces of electrical tape. :-D I really enjoy electrical tape, I use it to wrap my presents. It's sturdy. I may be straying from the topic. HERES A PHOTO!

We had to vote at RMIT which was SUCH BULLSHIT because we wanted to vote at the Town Hall which was closed for some play or something. You should be allowed to vote at the Town Hall for the Election. It's my right as a human. Bet it was a rubbish play anyways. BITTERNESS. Although RMIT is pretty good I guess.

This reminds me of that bit in the original Buffy movie where Buffy says to Luke Perry "Pike's not a name, it's a fish". It's a good bit.

Suspect it was either freezing or very warm that day. One of these guys has got it right.

Distressing moments at Town Hall when we realise we can't vote there. :(

Pink and Purple are the best of friends. They are going to go vote together and have a good time enjoying each others company and the wonder of democracy.

The End.

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