More Pentax shots. When I first bought this camera on a whim from ebay, the guy who sold it to me included some film 'to get me started'. He was a pretty sweet dude. One of the rolls of film he gave me was an expired black and white roll which kind of only took about 8 good shots but I like them cos they are all grainy and odd and stuff. I took these shots at a friends birthday and managed to get everyone in the middle of eating. WINNER! This was the second roll of film I ever shot with this camera. you can tell right? :D


hahahahaha. me.

I like how muddled the background is in this shot, like it's fading away.

Everybody eating! Everybody drinking!

I remember gathering up all our outside chairs and everybody being like OH WE JUST GONNA SIT ON THE GROUND K? Eh, I guess they look nice all stacked up like that.

Most likely lecturing everybody on something very firmly. Most likely everbody nodding their head very seriously in response. Mmmmhmmm.

CITY! I kind of like how everybody just sits around at Fed Square. It works as a city centre. During the weekends I often like to sit there and people watch and get harassed by pigeons.
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