HEY! I don't really know why I'm uploading these. They are a couple of shots I took with the very first roll of film I put in the Pentax. I might just be feeling guilty that there is a full roll of film in my new Practika that I haven't taken yet. There isn't much daylight these days ok? I'm busy! No, YOU'RE not an excuse!
So here are a couple of pics from my traipsing around the city late last year:

State Library: Now I never use this library. I've been in it maybe twice in my whole life. But I do adore it. Mostly for the outside. Back when I was trying to get over my depressive Sunday's phase I would walk into the city every Sunday, get myself some delicious Japanese takeaway for lunch and eat it sitting on the lawn here and generally read a snippet of whatever story I was into at the time. I still do this occassionally, but it feels like I don't need to as much anymore. NICE STORY. Look at the birdies! Ok moving on...

This is one of those reasonably famous alleyways in Melbourne. It's between the Forum Theatre and Movida and it's mostly familiar to me from dashing through it in the rain heading towards Flinders St. It's absolutely full of awesome street art, and I took a few more photos of the stuff down there but none of them worked out as well as this photo I think. Every time I look at this photo, I have the intense desire to leap that fence and run up the stairs. I just like how they are all zig-zag. YEAH! WOO! Zig Zag!
And that's all she wrote!
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