Monday, April 26, 2010

Expired Times

More Pentax shots. When I first bought this camera on a whim from ebay, the guy who sold it to me included some film 'to get me started'. He was a pretty sweet dude. One of the rolls of film he gave me was an expired black and white roll which kind of only took about 8 good shots but I like them cos they are all grainy and odd and stuff. I took these shots at a friends birthday and managed to get everyone in the middle of eating. WINNER! This was the second roll of film I ever shot with this camera. you can tell right? :D

hahahahaha. me.

I like how muddled the background is in this shot, like it's fading away.

Everybody eating! Everybody drinking!

I remember gathering up all our outside chairs and everybody being like OH WE JUST GONNA SIT ON THE GROUND K? Eh, I guess they look nice all stacked up like that.

Most likely lecturing everybody on something very firmly. Most likely everbody nodding their head very seriously in response. Mmmmhmmm.

CITY! I kind of like how everybody just sits around at Fed Square. It works as a city centre. During the weekends I often like to sit there and people watch and get harassed by pigeons.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Handsome Friends.

More photos with the Pentax. Hooray! A little while ago I was interested in taking photos of peoples faces. As a person who hates her own face being photographed I thought this would be a fun and entertaining exercise. :D

Here are some photos of people I know doing things that they like. With their face.

Yeah I just like this messy photograph. I know that it's not a face... :-/

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Home again...

I don't really go home very much any more. Mainly due to complicated emotional reasons (hooray!) and the fact that it takes 3 and a half hours to get there and the trains are infrequent and expensive.
But goddamn it's nice up there. It's always a lot warmer and the air is cleaner. It's so quiet sometimes it's almost eerie.
Markets in the country are so different to markets in the city. Full of home cooked preserves and wooden furniture, cheap sunglasses and old bits of crockery and crystal. It's nice.

VEGETABLES! sidenote: the woman who ran this stall was a vegetarian and quizzed us in depth about what we would be making with our purchased produce. She was a tiny little woman and I think she terrified my brother into assuring her he wouldn't be cooking meat that night.

It really is a pretty town. This market is right down near the river, actually on what would be the flood plains (if it ever flooded in Victoria again...) and it's quite lush and green there. The trees are ancient and tall and it smells nice and fresh.

Tea Towels! City life has a great under-appreciation for tea towels. Except this lovely place:

We went to a place that serves beer with breakfast. For reals. Oh country life!

Fishies on the wall. Oh country life!

You get stuck in the middle of country town with nothing to do for an hour? You go play three games of pool! Now that's fresh!