Thursday, August 26, 2010

Hung up on politics.

So I've been busy recently frantically refreshing the ABC News website to check if my country has formed a government yet. So far no luck. :-/ I was going to make this post about the election as I took my digital cam down and took some photos on the day (voting day) but I feel like if we talk about it anymore I will expire from pure exasperation. So instead lets look at BLACK AND WHITE NIGHTTIME SHOTS. Alright! Yeah!

Trying to work with the digital camera instead of against it but I still dislike it. I dunno, maybe I need a new one. If you are reading this and happen to be ridiculously wealthy and unable to decide what to do with your wads of cashmoney perhaps you should consider buying me a new digital camera! (or y'know donating it to charity... probably a better idea really)


Tea. I have actually been drinking a ridiculous amount of green tea recently to try and kick my coffee habit. I have been told/read that it's very healthy for you etc. :-/ Yeah... look at the little white cups, aren't they nice!

Tin of randomness! It's on the ground, there for you cigarette butts! Or for your coffee cups if you are feeling belligerent which most people in Melbourne often are. Yay home! :-/

This, I actually like, though I kind of wish it had a bit more of a flash of light somewhere in it. NOT BAD THOUGH. Digital camera and I still fighting. Developments (lol photography joke) to come.

Here's a couple of bonus old Pentax shots basically because I pine for warm weather when I'll be able to sit happily outside in gardens again.

Ladder! As seen in "Angel Headed Hipster/Drunk with ladder" photo. It's a nice ladder despite being ridiculously unstable and slightly dangerous. But then again, all the best things are.

Dog, plastic chicken, blurriness etc.

I can't even talk about the Praktica at the moment. :-/ Another disaster. I think I may have figured out some way of getting some usable prints out of it. PLEASE LET IT BE SO. I am looking forward to the day I start one of these posts with PRAKTICA TAKES PHOTOS. What a fine day it will be, what a sense of real, tangible achievement I will have. Ok I gotta sleep now. Take care, interwebs.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


You know when you forget about something and then you remember it and you're like HEY THAT WAS A THING THAT I DID. No, I don't either. It worries me.

Today I was looking at the photos on my phone to show someone something and it turns out I took a load of photos while I was drunk at a gig the other night! I'm astonished at my productivity whilst inebriated and impressed at my inability to remember this the next day. I'm also kind of embarassed. ANYWAYS...

Here's some hipster hipstamatic prints from the iPhones:

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Digital Love

Hi Friends, how is it going? That's cool, I don't actually care. It's the last day of the week and we had a new Moon in Leo this week so you know EVERYTHING IS ALL GOOD.

Last night while destroying my study in order to make it a functional room in the future and to give me more room for impromptu dance parties, I came across the connecting cord for my digital camera. HOORAY!

This cord has been missing for almost 12 months now and I had mistakenly thought that my old housemate had lost it. BUT IT WAS ME! I lost it! Dear me, you are a douchebag. Dear ex-housemate, you are completely blameless.


These photos are Japan photos cos that was the last time I used this camera. Envisage this: Me tiny digital camera, film camera and iPhone camera at the ready to capture every shot three times. I WAS LONELY, OK? (oh and this is a picture of barrels of Sake)

This was taken on a freezing cold night in Kyoto when I got lost but everything was so pretty I didn't really care. Also I'd been drinking Sake with the crazy Japanese/American guy. What a cool dude.

BOAT! This was on Miyajima Island. I think this river does actually fill when the tide is high. People don't just put boats on the ground and tie them to railings just for the hell of it. Or maybe they do, I choose not to judge.

I can't remember where this is? Somewhere very touristy that I could probably look up the name of very quickly. But you know what, navigating away from this screen right now would break up the flow of my brain and I wouldn't want to interrupt my creative process and actually I just don't care enough to be bothered going to google and typing in the beginnings of what I think this place is called and I probably couldn't spell it and I really want to go make a cup of tea so I'm just not going to. err.. what?

I don't usually like pictures I take on my digital camera, I've been frustratingly unable to figure out how to use it to take interesting photos. I've found that being able to delete things immediately generally leads to me deleting things immediately in a fit of pique if the picture isn't all I've envisioned in my head. But I like this photo. I like it a lot. There may be hope for you yet, young digital camera.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Double Post! It's sooo beautiful! WOAH.

OH YEAH! SUPRISE DOUBLE POST! Bet you didn't see that coming, internets! Surprised you all!

Actually I just had a whole bunch of photos of street art that didn't really go with my post about cars and moss. Street art is one of my great loves, along with lemsip and dancing around my bedroom with my headphones on to Swedish Synthpop.

This is some fading pasted art that is near my place of work, in a few days it will probably be all gone, especially with todays rain. SUCH IS ART ON THE STREET. It's hard knock life.

On Sunday, while I was wandering about in a cold-induced, lemsip-soothed brain haze I came across a whole bunch of street artists repainting an alley in Melbs. Brain said to me: ok lady, see that camera around your neck, see that stuff going on there? Perhaps you should do something about these two seemingly unrelated events.
OK! I take a photo of the ladies! I was slightly concerned at all times that these peeps were gonna turn around and kick my ass for taking their photo. I don't actually know why, I don't think of street artists as particularly threatening people.

If you look at this old school Boombox closely you will see it has an iPod plugged into it. This made me very happy. Like this-------> :D

I've always wished I could draw/paint. Only so I too, could paint green vampire ladies in purple dresses on walls of Melbourne's alleyways. (also: boobs)

They had torn down all the old posters that had adorned the walls of the alley for probably quite some time. They were quite satisfying to walk over, and I wanted to walk over them a few more times but I thought people might think I was a bit odd..... possibly like you do now. '
And that's all she wrote! Tune in next week for another Praktica related disaster. "The Camera That Does Not Take Photos: part 3"

Making a blog post!

I've been having some loltastic disasters with cameras recently firstly by taking a lovely roll of what obviously would have been the most beautiful photos of all time with the new Praktica and then of course opening the back without winding the film, ruining the whole lot. Hooray! :-/

So I pulled out the old trusty Pentax again and took some photos of things. I do have plans to use the Praktica again, if it wants me to... which it doesn't seem to right now. WHY WON'T YOU LOVE ME, PRAKTICA? WHY? *SOBS ON THE INTERNETS*

Er, yeah, so photos!

On my lovely street there are a couple of lovely abandoned old cars. I decided to photograph them. Good for me.

They are covered in moss. It's gross/awesome. Things that are gross and awesome at the same time are very rare. You should appreciate this.

There are two of them, parked ridiculously close to one another. Cobwebs on the steering wheel... remind me baby, of you! (no they don't, I don't even drive, I also don't know you)

Rust on the windshield! She's cries on every... you know what I might stop that now. I've already ruined the rest of my day by putting that song in my head. No need to ruin yours too, move along.

I feel like these are the sorts of cars that I would be happy driving. I probably need to learn to appreciate and look after nice things. Nice things, that don't grow lichen on them.