So I've been busy recently frantically refreshing the ABC News website to check if my country has formed a government yet. So far no luck. :-/ I was going to make this post about the election as I took my digital cam down and took some photos on the day (voting day) but I feel like if we talk about it anymore I will expire from pure exasperation. So instead lets look at BLACK AND WHITE NIGHTTIME SHOTS. Alright! Yeah!
Trying to work with the digital camera instead of against it but I still dislike it. I dunno, maybe I need a new one. If you are reading this and happen to be ridiculously wealthy and unable to decide what to do with your wads of cashmoney perhaps you should consider buying me a new digital camera! (or y'know donating it to charity... probably a better idea really)

Tea. I have actually been drinking a ridiculous amount of green tea recently to try and kick my coffee habit. I have been told/read that it's very healthy for you etc. :-/ Yeah... look at the little white cups, aren't they nice!

Tin of randomness! It's on the ground, there for you cigarette butts! Or for your coffee cups if you are feeling belligerent which most people in Melbourne often are. Yay home! :-/

This, I actually like, though I kind of wish it had a bit more of a flash of light somewhere in it. NOT BAD THOUGH. Digital camera and I still fighting. Developments (lol photography joke) to come.
Here's a couple of bonus old Pentax shots basically because I pine for warm weather when I'll be able to sit happily outside in gardens again.

Ladder! As seen in "Angel Headed Hipster/Drunk with ladder" photo. It's a nice ladder despite being ridiculously unstable and slightly dangerous. But then again, all the best things are.

Dog, plastic chicken, blurriness etc.
I can't even talk about the Praktica at the moment. :-/ Another disaster. I think I may have figured out some way of getting some usable prints out of it. PLEASE LET IT BE SO. I am looking forward to the day I start one of these posts with PRAKTICA TAKES PHOTOS. What a fine day it will be, what a sense of real, tangible achievement I will have. Ok I gotta sleep now. Take care, interwebs.
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