I've been having some loltastic disasters with cameras recently firstly by taking a lovely roll of what obviously would have been the most beautiful photos of all time with the new Praktica and then of course opening the back without winding the film, ruining the whole lot. Hooray! :-/
So I pulled out the old trusty Pentax again and took some photos of things. I do have plans to use the Praktica again, if it wants me to... which it doesn't seem to right now. WHY WON'T YOU LOVE ME, PRAKTICA? WHY? *SOBS ON THE INTERNETS*
Er, yeah, so photos!
On my lovely street there are a couple of lovely abandoned old cars. I decided to photograph them. Good for me.

They are covered in moss. It's gross/awesome. Things that are gross and awesome at the same time are very rare. You should appreciate this.

There are two of them, parked ridiculously close to one another. Cobwebs on the steering wheel... remind me baby, of you! (no they don't, I don't even drive, I also don't know you)

Rust on the windshield! She's cries on every... you know what I might stop that now. I've already ruined the rest of my day by putting that song in my head. No need to ruin yours too, move along.

I feel like these are the sorts of cars that I would be happy driving. I probably need to learn to appreciate and look after nice things. Nice things, that don't grow lichen on them.
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